How to use this resource

Group planning
We suggest that you invite people in your church who are particularly interested in evangelism or just good with people. Then...
- Decide whether you will meet online or in another location
- Agree a time and frequency for gathering
- You might like to work weekly or fortnightly or in sprints or just gradually make your way through
One device or many?
You can either all share one login and one screen or if you prefer everyone can sign up and then be able to access via their own device: laptop, tablet or mobile phone - this works well for questionnaires and surveys.
Session structure
Each section has suggested timings but these can be shortened or extended to suit your context. There is also a tracker to indicate which step you are on (see image 2 on the right which says "2 of 9").
Click here to read more about Dwelling in the Word.
We would ask that you take a moment to provide feedback at the end of each session. This can be done individually (if everyone has their own login) or together as a group.
Last of all, there are suggestions for continuing the learning and where to go next. This might be a book, article or video.

The Evangelism Examen
Combining moments of mission with moments of prayer to build attentiveness, confidence and dependence on God.
This is a spiritual practice based on the Ignatian Examen. Designed to create a structure for forming a habit of praying intentionally for Evangelism and reflecting on experiences, which could be used daily or weekly, alone or as part of a group. It combines reflection with prayer and the additional spiritual practice of praying for five people to come to know Jesus.
This is offered as an option that you might like to incorporate. The idea is introduced in Part 1 - Core session 3.